TRANSTEX at the 29th NTDA Convention.

The 29th Annual NTDA Convention has flown by and our team had a blast! Todd McGuire, VP Sales at TRANSTEX, was happy to chat with current customers and new acquaintances. While at the show, we held a drawing for an iPad and we’re pleased to announce Matthew Goor of CLC Contract Leasing Corp. as the winner! Matthew, we hope you enjoy your prize.

A big thank you to Gwen Brown and her team for yet another successful event.


TRANSTEX and E-SMART are exhibiting at #ATAmce19! Join our teams at Booth #7013 between October 6 and 8. Whether you’re looking to improve your fleet’s aerodynamic efficiency or to increase safety, we have you covered.

TRANSTEX at Movin’On 2019!

TRANSTEX is attending #MovinOnConnect where inspiration and innovation abound! Our team has heard some of the greatest minds share their knowledge on AI, smart cities, the future of mobility and more!

TRANSTEX at Great Dane SPARK 2019

SPARK 2019 has come and gone, and our team had a blast! A big thank you to SPARK organizers. Todd McGuire and Doug DeJong had nothing but positive comments about their experience.

Congratulations to David Speir of Great Dane on winning the TRANSTEX LLC drawing at SPARK 2019! We hope you enjoy your new TV. Thank you to all others who participated in the drawing.

#aerodynamics #trailers #truckingindustry #fuelefficiency

TRANSTEX at Movin’On 2018

Our team could not be happier to have attended Movin’On. Movin’On brought together some of the most forward-thinking experts in the new mobility revolution. Developing a new transportation network and employing clean technologies are at the forefront of said revolution, and consumers and businesses alike will benefit from the advancements Movin’On has shone a light on. These last three days have inspired and motivated our team, and we can’t wait for next year’s edition.

Movin’On: Day 3

Kristy Pealow, Alexandra Ospina and Jonathan Lécuyer L’Espérance toured the Port of Montrealwhere they discovered how the Port applies ITS applications to help improve cargo fluidity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Daniel Olivier, Director of Business Intelligence and Innovation at the Port of Montreal lead a tour through the location’s facilities and demonstrated the Port’s forward-thinking use of various technologies to improve mobility.

Movin’On: Day 1

TRANSTEX is attending Movin’On and inspiration abounds! Our team got to hear some of the greatest minds share their knowledge on AI, smart cities, blockchain, sustainable energy and more! Only one more day to go and we can’t wait to see what Movin’On still has in store!

TRANSTEX At NPTC 2018: Day 2

It’s Day 2 of the 2018 National Private Truck Council Annual Conference and Dan Crowder and George Bassily are ready for you at booth #424! Ask them about E-SMART, TRANSTEX LLC’s Fuel & Speed Management Solution. They’ll gladly share their extensive knowledge with you.

TRANSTEX At NPTC 2018: Day 1

TRANSTEX LLC is exhibiting at the 2018 National Private Truck Council Annual Conference! Day 1 ended on a great note. Dan Crowder, VP National Accounts, and George Bassily, VP Engineering & Marketing, have been sharing their extensive knowledge on E-SMART, TRANSTEX’s Fuel & Speed Management Solution. Pass by booth #424 tomorrow at 2 PM to learn more!